Monthly Archives: August 2016


"It’s not easy to create a new neighborhood in a dense, older city like Cambridge. But Urban Spaces CEO Paul Ognibene is doing just that. Next month, he’s starting construction on Phase 1 of a four-building complex in a district becoming known as The First Street Corridor. Not so long ago, Urban Spaces assembled eight…

NorthPoint retail, office projects poised to begin soon

As NorthPoint site development is expected to begin soon and expand East Cambridge neighborhood, some worry that the new residential and commercial complex will lack the authenticity and diversity of historic Cambridge and will fail to attract long-term residents. As pronounced as Boston’s housing shortage may be, the Seaport District, which is sometimes likened to…

Are You Ready to Design and 3-D Print Your Next Home?

Today, open-source technology is everywhere. Massive projects created and refined through collaboration with the public now impact us every day, even when we aren’t aware of it. Open-source software, operating systems, and web development tools are becoming crucial to many industries, and to the products and services those industries deliver. One amazing new example of…